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China’s chrome ore importing amount in half year of 2021

According to customs statistics, in June 2021, China’s chrome ore imports amounted to 1.2246 million tons, a decrease of 216,100 tons from the previous month, a decrease of 17.85%; an increase of 434,500 tons, an increase of 54.99%, compared to the same period last year. Among them, the amount of chromium ore imported from South Africa was 1.0951 million tons, a month-on-month decrease of 109,300 tons, a decrease of 9.07%, and a year-on-year increase of 558,300 tons, an increase of 104.01%. From January to June 2021, China’s total imports of chrome ore totaled 7,772,600 tons, a year-on-year increase of 914,800 tons, an increase of 13.34%. Among them, China imported 6.592 million tons of chromium ore from South Africa, a year-on-year increase of 651,400 tons, an increase of 11.41%.


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